Letters to the Editor Nov 9

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Nov 09, 2017  â€¢  November 9, 2017  â€¢  2 minute read  â€¢  Join the conversation Thursday letters Article content



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Remembrance Day is an opportunity to show our gratitude to those who served our country and honour those who sacrificed their lives for our freedoms. On Friday, my sister and I will accompany our 92-year-old mother to the annual assembly at her former high school, Agincourt Collegiate. Every year, staff and students go above and beyond, putting together a touching tribute that is second to none. Between musical and theatrical performances, names of alumni who paid the ultimate sacrifice will be announced. Students will pay homage to one or two alumni veterans by presenting an intimate biography of their lives, including family photos and memories. These students put faces to the names, understanding that some of these incredibly brave men and women walked the same halls, sat in the same classrooms, and had similar life experiences and dreams for their futures. Many put those dreams on hold to serve overseas. Some came back and fulfilled those teenage dreams, others came back with physical or emotional wounds that forced them to alter their life’s plans, and still others did not come back at all. Throughout the service, I will be thinking of three former students who served during the Second World War, my father and my uncles. Staff and students of Agincourt Collegiate are to be commended for the hard work and dedication to their Remembrance Day service, and we thank them for inviting us to be a part of this amazing event every year.


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(Great stuff. Staff and students at Agincourt Collegiate, take a bow)


A solution to the conundrum of cellphone use when crossing a roadway intersection, at a legit and marked road crossing or whilst jay walking, and an injury occurs to said pedestrian: Make them responsible for the ensuing medical treatment/vehicle damage cost. That would surely stop this stupidity, ya think?



(Good idea, but the Darwin Award idiots you’re referring to never learn anything, unfortunately)


I see that Justin has flown off to another of his photo op tours. It’s a disgrace that the person who has been elected as prime minister of this once great country could not find the time to attend November 11 â€" but it’s not unusual, as his father had no time for the military. Sad. 


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So the city wants to have a cycling infrastructure, they want to interrupt the flow of traffic, to have a safe space for bicycles on some of the busiest streets in the city. As we have seen and heard, this forces some drivers onto the side streets to be able to get through the now-plugged streets. Now those who live on those streets complain about the increased traffic. Why do we have these bike lanes on the busy streets â€" why don’t they move the bike lanes a block on either side of the busy street to a secondary street? Wouldn’t this make it even more safe and not interfere with traffic? 



(Yes, but this is Toronto council we’re talking about. And yet we keep electing the same old crowd, election after election)


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