Man attacked Good Samaritan in Horwich town centre fight

A JUDGE told a man attacked a “Good Samaritan” during a fight in Horwich town centre that he should be ashamed of himself.

Bolton Crown Court heard Robert Williams was out with pals Matthew McCaigue and Richard Webster on December 28, 2018 when a fight broke out outside a takeaway

The three were drunk when McCaigue headbutted victim Daniel Mercer, who was then dragged around by 39-year-old Webster before McCaigue turned his attention to a second victim, Alan Hatchman, who was punched and knocked unconscious.

The court heard that Mr Mercer suffered a gash to his head.

William Donnelly, prosecuting, told how Alan Heaton, who was on his way home, heard the commotion and a woman shouting “stop it".

He confronted the group but when he turned his back Williams punched him from behind, causing him to fall to the ground.

"He suffered a three centimetre cut to his head. He needed five stitches,” said Mr Donnell, and was now afraid to go into town.

Williams, 38, of Penn Street, Horwich, admitted causing actual bodily harm and Webster, of Mason Street, Horwich, pleaded guilty to using threatening behaviour.

Nick Ross, defending Williams, said his client had not been out drinking since the incident nearly three years ago and was the main carer for his five-year-old son.

He added: “It was a single blow. He did not follow up with further punches or kicks.

“He says he feels terrible for what he did, if he had the opportunity to apologise face to face he would very much wish to do that.”

Webster, who works as an electrician and is a father-of two, told the court: "I am remorseful for the events of that evening. I am deeply sorry and wish I could change that night."

Passing sentence, Judge Tom Gilbart said Williams had attacked a “Good Samaritan.”

“He went to challenge your group, a man acting with good intentions to the public. He was acting as a good Samaritan," said the judge.

“You punched him, knocking him to the floor. You should be utterly ashamed for what you did.”

Williams was sentenced to 37 weeks in prison, suspended for 18 months. He will be subect to an 8.30pm to 5am curfew for three months and must complete 12 days of rehabilitation activities.

Webster was fined £600 with Judge Gibart telling him: "This was drunken, loutishness in the street. You should know better than to behave in that way."

In December last year McCaigue, aged 37, of Stansfield Close, Barrowford, was given a 12-month suspended prison sentence after admitting affray and causing actual bodily harm.

READ MORE: Matthew McCaigue

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