7 photos of lazy cats in Bolton but do you have one that is even more laid-back

YOU either like them or hate them but we get the impression our readers love them....cats

So to celebrate International Cats Month, we asked our readers to send in their photographs of their cats from around Bolton.

After looking at the photos we think that we have some of the laziest and laid-back felines that you will ever find.

We have been inundated with entries on our website and social media to our appeal.

Margaret Warburton posted about four year old Tabitha from Harwood who ' loves to cuddle up next to her for strokes and tummy tickles.'

Nabila Mohamed, from Bolton, said: "My baby Merlin is lazy as he sleeps anywhere while he's eating he gets tired so he rest sleep few minutes and start eating again. He loves cuddling and sleeping he can sleep while he walking from kitchen to the living room."

Meanwhile, Kelly Bluff from Halliwell sent this photo of Marmalade.

She said: "Marmalade eats and sleep..after he's played around for hours."

Kristina Thistle also got in touch with her photos of Skye and Minnie who are seven weeks old and are not so laid back because they sleep 'sat up'.

Elsewhere, Joanne Owen from Tonge Moor sent a photo of Arlo.

She said: "He will sleep nearly all day by my side and will only wake up for treats or dinner. Even then giving him treats when he's half asleep he will still have his eyes should so he can nod straight back off he's that lazy. He can literally fall asleep anywhere been know to fall asleep on the window still and fall off."

Julie Hardman from Bolton has great photographs of one-year-old Flynn.

She said: "Flynn doesn’t just lie down, he drops where he is. He would rather lie on the floor than climb into a bed. His favourite place is beside the toilet."

n If you think you have a lazier cat in Bolton then check out our website and follow the link on our online story and submit your entry there

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