Watchdog Uganda

Watchdog Uganda Latest News in Uganda and the rest of East African Region, Daily news and business from Uganda. Sat, 21 Aug 2021 20:18:15 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Watchdog Uganda 32 32 It can’t be me with such small manhood! Businessman Lwasa speaks out on his viral nude video Sat, 21 Aug 2021 20:18:15 +0000 Businessman Emmanuel Lwasa Kaweesi has said it’s not him in the nude video making rounds on social media.

On Saturday evening, a nude video showing a naked man resembling Lwasa leaked online and it has since gone viral.

The video shows a man laying on the bed, with a phone in his hands whereas displaying his ‘small’ manhood.

However, according to the Masaka based businessman, the footage was just edited with an intent of tarnishing his name.

“You would have been a good editor if you got a good bed that suits my class. Next time when editing always mind much about the head movement so that it fits the body and always make a longer video to enable people view full action,” Lwasa said in a Facebook post.

]]> ROY WILLIAM MAYEGA: Why UPDF should undertake a cardiovascular risk profile for every officer from the rank of 2nd Lieutenant and above Sat, 21 Aug 2021 16:49:19 +0000 The Directorate of Medical Services at the UPDF should undertake a cardiovascular risk profile for EVERY officer from the rank of 2nd Lieutenant and above. The medical should actually start from the top, downwards. Officer Cadets can be spared because they are usually undergoing or have just completed a rigorous training that involved a lot of physical exertion.

In fact, the medical is also needed for all people like me who are above 40 years (I have done it too and spotted some cracks in my once invincible system and immediately taken some actions to stop the cracks from becoming crashes). The evaluation should include:

â€" Physical activity levels: Do they achieve at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity in a week or 75 minutes of high intensity/anaerobic activity. Higher rank officers are likely to operate as arm-chair soldiers hence a substantial reduction in physical activity levels, some of them becoming very very sedentary

â€" Diet: Is their diet high in saturated fats and refined sugar, with above average servings and low in fruits and vegetables? This naturally happens as disposable income increases in Uganda, while it is the reverse in Europe.

â€" Habits: Are they actively involved in some dangerous habits (some of them common in the military), specifically ‘dangerous alcohol taking’ (more than 3 standard drinks a day or massive binges, cigarette smoking, regular high-calorie snacking with ‘carbohydrate and fat cravings’

â€" Mental Health: Have they recently experienced severe stress, or past stresses that have created anxiety, sleep disturbances, compulsive behaviours, substantial mood changes, PTSD, or depression? Do they use any opioids, weed, or related substances?


-BMI: Is their BMI (the ratio of their weight to the square of their height) above 25 and if so, is it above 30 (very bad)? This is not uncommon in arm-chair soldiers

-Waist Circumference: A measure of abdominal obesity, which is a more deleterious form of obesity because it means that large amounts of ‘hard-to-burn’ fats are resting in the abdomen and these same fats love to rest in the vessels. Sometimes it is quite obvious from the size of one’s abdomen. It should be measured using the ‘nutritional waist’ not the ‘anatomical waist. A measurement above 94 is not good and above 100 is very bad; sometimes they assess the waist-hip ratio

-BP: Any blood pressures that are consistently at or above 140 (systolic) and 90 (diastolic) after several measurements should ring an alarm bell. 1 in 4 Ugandans has hypertension and the percentage increases substantially after age 40

-ECG: Using an ECG machine, physicians look at the electrical activity of the heart to detect ‘silent’ heart disease especially thickening of the heart muscle (e.g. from long-standing high-blood pressure and quite common in middle aged people in Uganda), clues on blockage of key blood supply lines to the heart muscle or whether the heart muscle is completely grid-locked, and signs of abnormal heart rhythm (arrthythmias, which are quite common in Uganda)

â€" Exercise tolerance: Not mandatory and if done, it should be with extreme caution as several officers could drop from serious exercise intolerance

Blood work-up

-Fasting blood fats (or lipids) to check for levels of bad-cholesterol vs good cholesterol and total cholesterol

-Fasting blood glucose (values above 6.0 are not good and above 6.9 are quite bad

-Hemoglobin A1C (or glycated hemoglobin) as a measure of average blood sugar levels over 3 months (values above 5.6 are not good and above 6.4 are quite bad)

â€" Liver function tests: To check if there are levels of liver enzymes that suggest sudden or long-term injury to the liver from nutrition and alcohol related diseases

â€" Kidney function tests: To check if there are levels of chemicals in the blood that suggest sudden or long-term kidney disease; 1 in 6 Ugandans in periurban areas have ‘significant’ reduction in kidney function, mainly driven by hypertension

â€" Blood clotting functions: (INR, Bleeding Time, Prothrombin Time) Tests to gauge if the person has either a tendency to form clots (clotting disease) or a tendency to blood for long, especially when the liver is ill

â€" Full blood count: To check for things like anaemia, high blood levels, possible infections

â€" Chronic Infections of concern: Hepatitis B, C, HIV, TB and COVID-19

Management â€" General

-All officers with hypertension should be started on one of many effective antihypertension meds

-All officers with diabetes should be started in appropriate medicines to lower their blood sugar

-All officers with high risk behaviours should be advised on a diet and physical activity plan, and supported with appropriate technologies and follow-up programs to stick to the plan; they should be empowered to do self-monitoring of some of these parameters like BMI, BP and they should undergo periodic re-checks

-All officers regardless of health status should re-checked every 3 years if they are above the age of 40, or have any of the risk factors. Those with diabetes

Management â€" Organ disease:

-All officers with a clot-forming tendency require EMERGENCY care in a specialized hospital setting; they should be given an anticlotting medicine as soon as possible and monitored constantly

-All officers with kidney disease should be started in an appropriate antihypertensive medicine with positive effects on the kidneys

-All with observable heart disease should be started on appropriate medicines either to reduce the BP, reduce blockage of vessels, correct abnormal rhythms or correct abnormal blood fats; life-threatening cases EMERGENCY care to prevent total blockage of the heart that can lead to a sudden or silent heart attach including medicines that widen the blood vessels or attention by an interventional cardiologist who may need to push a thin wire with a little balloon into their veins and into their heart vessels to try and unblock their grid-locked heart

â€" Those with liver disease should stop any habits that add to the injury (especially alcohol and cigarettes) and to take supportive medicine to allow the liver to repair itself. Those with total liver or kidney failure should seek a transplant.

]]> Parliament must not shy away from political governance issues â€" LOP Mpuuga Sat, 21 Aug 2021 16:27:17 +0000 The Leader of the Opposition Parliament (LOP), Hon. Mathias Mpuuga has called on African and Asian legislatures to address the political governance issues in their respective countries if the two continents are to improve their citizen’s quality of life.

Mpuuga made the remarks on Thursday at a dinner he hosted on behalf of the Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Anita Among at the close of a three-day African and Asian Parliamentarians meeting on population and development.

The meeting attracted participants from the legislatures of Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Ethiopia and Djibouti. Others came from the Parliaments of Ghana, Bahrain, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Japan.

“There are three major threats that leaders must address without fear of contradiction; the first is governance because it all begins with leaders. By governance, I mean political governance,” Mpuuga said.

“I know when politicians meet, they become a bit feeble and scared of discussing the intricacies of politics because we don’t have uniformity given the different political backgrounds and political terrain [yet] when you filter the individual countries challenges, it all begins from political challenges,” he added.

The Nyendo-Mukungwe lawmaker further urged the parliamentarians to focus on the emerging insecurities in their countries, and think of alternatives to address the concerns of mankind.
“You can’t talk about humanity and population and negate a key component of health because it is life that directs everything. In times like this when humanity is under threat, leaders must rise in unison to address the emerging challenges, and convincingly debate them and offer plausible solutions,” Hon. Mpuuga said.

The meeting was convened as a follow up to the commitments leaders made during the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) which was held in Nairobi, Kenya in November 2019. This was at a time when the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) commemorated the 25th anniversary of the Cairo conference at which 179 governments adopted the ICPD programme of action on reproductive health and the empowerment of women and gender equality as pillars of sustainable development.

]]> Gen Pecos Kutesa funeral: Archbishop Kaziimba urges believers to put their houses in order Sat, 21 Aug 2021 14:15:05 +0000 The Archbishop of the Church of Uganda His Grace Stephen Kaziimba Mugalu has urged all believers to put their houses in order because God can call them anytime.

Dr Kaziimba was the main Celebrant at a funeral service of the Late Lt Gen Pecos Kutesa at his residence in Buziga Kampala. He encouraged people not to fear because God is always there for them.

“He is your refuge and strength.We have questions that only God can answer. Our help is the name of the lord,” he counselled.

He thanked Ms Dora Kutesa the widow of the fallen General for her love and care for a period of 41 years in marriage.

“Maama Dora thank u so much for the gift of love, your husband testified it to me that you donated your liver to him,you gave him a second chance to live for a period of twelve years with your liver, I was really touched by that revelation because you fulfilled this vow of love that is equitable to Jesus who sacrificed his life for the sinners.” he added.

Lt Gen James Mugira who represented the Chief of Defence Forces said that UPDF is saddened by the loss of a liberator, a patriot, a freedom fighter and a national hero.

“Our condolences go to the family of Gen Kutesa, UPDF family and all the friends. He has served this country deligently and as a senior cadre his input was really needed.

The Permanent Secretary Ministry of Defence and Veterans Affairs Ms Rosette Byengoma praised the General for being a brilliant and intelligent officer, who superintended over the writing of the Uganda Defence Doctrine and the UPDF Establishment. She acknowledged that Ministry of Defence and Veterans Affairs cannot forget all his contribution towards the restoration of peace in this country.”

Also present at the prayers were former Minister of Foreign Affairs Hon Sam Kutesa, Lt Gen Joseph Musanyufu the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Internal Affairs, Managing Director Uganda Air Cargo Lt Gen James Nakibus Lakara, UPDF Joint Chief of Staff Maj Gen Leopold Kyanda among many other dignitaries.

]]> Kisoro: Fruit vendors demand own market after being chased from roadsides Sat, 21 Aug 2021 13:10:11 +0000 Roadside vendors in Kisoro Municipality have demanded that the Municipal authorities provide a suitable market for them before chasing them from the Kabale-Kisoro highway.

The fruit vendors association is demanding for an independent fruits market. The development follows running battles between the road side fruit vendors and Kisoro municipal enforcement officers for the last two years.

Back in March, 2021, the road side vendors stormed the office of the town clerk Sharifa Nakintu but thanks to security intervention, the fruit vendors were advised to explain their concerns in a written document.

The vendors, in their document requested for a six months grace period in order to have ample time to integrate into the Kisoro major markets.

However crackdowns by enforcement officers resumed last week leaving some traders counting losses. A total of 700 pineapples were confiscated during an operation.

The Kisoro municipality mayor Ndyana Richard says the vendors who formally requested for a six months grace period need to vacate the roadside because that time period elapsed.

He further noted that all municipal authorities across the country received directives from the President, ministry of trade and District Security Committee to have street vendors removed from the roadsides in order to control the spread of covid-19 and for easy tax collection respectively.

]]> Kabale: Mob kills 3 for stealing pigs Sat, 21 Aug 2021 12:43:05 +0000 Police in Kabale district is investigating circumstances under which three people were allegedly murdered by a mob in Kacuro Ruboroga village, Kabale district.

It’s alleged that deceased stole pigs from the home of one of the villagers identified as Karusya Anyesi on Thursday night.

On Friday afternoon, Tugume, Nelson, Atuheire and Medard all grandsons of Mr. Karusya suspected Niwagaba Zepharino, 26, a resident of Burorane cell, whom they went and arrested, started beating and he revealed his other associates.

The suspect led them to the home of one Akampurira Justus, 20, of Omukibega cell who was also beaten seriously. At later, they also picked one Akampereza Dickson,22, a resident of Kabaira cell accusing them of stealing the pigs and were all beaten to death.

Elly Maate, the Kigezi police spokesperson confirmed the news.

“Police officers from Kabale police station preceded to the scene late in the evening, photos were taken covering the scene, sketch plan made and all the three bodies were taken to Kabale regional referral hospital mortuary pending postmodern. Inquiries are ongoing and efforts to have the suspects arrested are being made,” Maate said.

]]> Gen Paul Lokech: How ‘Lion of Mogadishu’ Met His Shocking Death, an Insider’s Account Sat, 21 Aug 2021 10:54:35 +0000 The news of the death of Deputy Inspector General of Police (D/IGP) Maj.Gen. Paul Lokech continues sending ripples of shock among Ugandans.

Lokech was pronounced dead this morning, with reports from medical examinations pointing to blood clotting as the cause of his death.

Besides his status as an accomplished soldier and the major achievements attained in just a little over a half a year at the helm of the national policing institution â€" the Uganda Police, the fact that he had been seen in public the day before the bad news piled more gravity to the shock.

We spoke to one insider at police Headquaters at Naguru shortly after the news of the death became public and below is his account.

The unit commander who spoke on condition of anonymity confided that General Lokech had been in office on Friday, a day before his death.

He was overseeing an intercontinental event slated for today at Kololo which is to be attended by delegates from across the world.

The teary police boss, who respectively described Lokech as the ” most friendly, yet professional commander I have worked under” said that yesterday, at around 11am was the last time he had spoken to the now late Gen.

” He had been up and down for the last couple of days putting a few things together for today’s conference at Munyonyo. I had a discussion with him earlier on how my unit was to monitor the security at the event,” the officer told Watchdog.

About half an hour later, he says he again called the D/IGP’s office and was told he had moved out shortly but would return.

He had called to ask for fuel for his unit vehicles but was asked to submit the requisition for consideration.

“At around 2: 00pm, I was asked to send the cars to be fueled. These requisitions are most of the times sanctioned by the D/IGP himself and I am sure he signed on it before approval.” The officer narrated further.

On the cause of the death, he says the reports within claim that the General stumbled and fell off while walking to his office. There were no visible injuries and thus less reason to worry although he kept complaining of some mild pain days later.

He however went on with his duties as normally, including attending a weekly briefing of his top commanders at the start of the week. He was expected to attend an important delegates conference at Munyonyo today but his waiting officers were shocked to be told he was dead.

It’s reported that General Lokech died in his bed in the wee hours of last night from a blood clot that is said to have resulted from the minor fall he reportedly had early this week.

]]> He survived LRA and Al Shabaab only to succumb to a blood clot! Norbert Mao eulogizes fallen Police Chief Gen Lokech Sat, 21 Aug 2021 09:54:21 +0000 The Democratic Party (DP) president Norbert Mao has eulogized Maj Gen Paul Lokech who suddenly died from his home on Saturday morning.

The sad development was confirmed by Uganda Police and Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF).

“UPDF fraternity regrets to announce the passing on of the Deputy Inspector General of Police Maj Gen Paul Lokech. More details to follow. May His Soul Rest In Eternal Peace,” UPDF Spokesperson Brig Flavia Byekwaso tweeted.

“The IGP with deep sorrow regrets to announce the sudden demise of the Deputy Inspector General of Police, Major General Paul Lokech. He passed on from his home this morning. A detailed statement on the cause of death and burial arrangements will be availed in due course,” Uganda Police also posted on their social media pages.

In his eulogy message, Mao says Gen Lokech embodied sterling qualities of a man and a soldier.

“Sad! Shocked! Maj. Gen. Paul Lokech is another fruit fallen unripe! My condolences to his family, the armed forces and all Ugandans. Lokech embodied sterling qualities of a man and a soldier. He survived LRA and Al Shabaab only to succumb to a blood clot! Blood clot, who born you?” Mao posted on Facebook.

]]> What has really killed Gen Paul Lokech? Here is what we know so far Sat, 21 Aug 2021 09:05:14 +0000 The Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIGP) Maj Gen Paul Lokech is dead.

The sad development has been confirmed by Uganda Police and Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF).

The battle hardened soldier passed on from his home on Saturday morning.

“UPDF fraternity regrets to announce the passing on of the Deputy Inspector General of Police Maj Gen Paul Lokech. More details to follow. May His Soul Rest In Eternal Peace,” UPDF Spokesperson Brig Flavia Byekwaso tweeted.

“The IGP with deep sorrow regrets to announce the sudden demise of the Deputy Inspector General of Police, Major General Paul Lokech. He passed on from his home this morning. A detailed statement on the cause of death and burial arrangements will be availed in due course,” Uganda Police also posted on their social media pages.

Although details regarding the cause of Gen Lokech’s death remain scanty, numerous sources say he succumbed to a blood clot.

“Just received very sad news that Gen. Paul Lokech has gone to be with the Lord. Why Why Why God? Why Gen. Lokech? A clot has taken u at a time we needed u most! Go serve with the angels Soldier! Till we meet again🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏,” Tayebwa said.

Brig Byekwaso also told Chimpreports news website, “….We are hearing reports that he (Lokech) had a blood clot. It is not confirmed yet but that is what we have heard.”

Meanwhile, the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Martin Okoth Ochola has said,’I have tasked the Director of Medical Services, Dr Moses Byaruhanga to carry out postmortem to establish the cause of death.”

]]> PROFILE: Who was Maj Gen Paul Lokech, the fallen Deputy Police Chief? Sat, 21 Aug 2021 08:42:23 +0000 The Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIGP) Maj Gen Paul Lokech died on Saturday morning from his home.

The sad development was confirmed by Uganda Police and Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF).

“UPDF fraternity regrets to announce the passing on of the Deputy Inspector General of Police Maj Gen Paul Lokech. More details to follow. May His Soul Rest In Eternal Peace,” UPDF Spokesperson Brig Flavia Byekwaso tweeted.

“The IGP with deep sorrow regrets to announce the sudden demise of the Deputy Inspector General of Police, Major General Paul Lokech. He passed on from his home this morning. A detailed statement on the cause of death and burial arrangements will be availed in due course,” Uganda Police also posted on their social media pages.

Details regarding the cause of Gen Lokech’s death are still scanty. However, according to Government Chief Whip Thomas Tayebwa, the senior army officer died of blood clot.

” Just received very sad news that Gen. Paul Lokech has gone to be with the Lord. Why Why Why God? Why Gen. Lokech? A clot has taken u at a time we needed u most! Go serve with the angels Soldier! Till we meet again🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏,” Tayebwa said.

Who was Gen Lokech?

Paul Lokech, was a senior military officer at the rank of Major General, in the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF), who was appointed Deputy Inspector General of Police of the Uganda Police Force on 16 December 2020 replacing Maj Gen Sabiiti Muzeeyi.

Lokech, has been and will be remembered for being at the forefront of fighting terrorism in Uganda.

He recently led a police operation in which several suspected Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) fighters suspected of masterminding assassinations of high profile citizens were arrested.

Between November 2017 and December 2019, he served on special assignment “to monitor on behalf of the guarantors of the South Sudan peace process, the assembling, screening, demobilization and integration of the armed forces of South Sudan”.

Before that, he served as Chief of Staff of the UPDF Air Force, for a period of five months, from 11 July 2019, until 11 December 2019.

Prior to that, from December 2018 until July 2019, Gen Lokech was Commandant of Uganda Rapid Deployment Capability Centre (URDCC), in Jinja, in the Eastern Region of Uganda. He was appointed to that position in December 2018.

His military career includes service in various leadership capacities, including two tours as the Commander of the Uganda contingent to Somalia, as part of the AMISOM peace-keeping force. The first tour was between 2011 and 2012. His second Somalia rotation was from 2017 until 2018. During his first tour, Lokech commanded Battle Groups Eight and Nine, responsible for ejecting Al-Shabaab militants from Mogadishu in 2011.

Before his second tour in Somalia, he was the Commanding Officer of the Second UPDF Division, based at Makenke Barracks, in Mbarara, in the Western Region of Uganda.He has previously served as the Military Attaché at Uganda’s Embassy to Russia, based in Moscow.

Lokech also served as part of Uganda’s peace-keeping forces in South Sudan. He was part of Operation Safe Haven (OSH), a UPDF operation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo intended to neutralize the rebel Allied Democratic Forces (ADF).

In February 2019, President Yoweri Museveni promoted over 2,000 men and women to various ranks in the UPDF. As part of that exercise, Paul Lokech was promoted from Brigadier to Major General. His name was inadvertently left off the original list, and the Uganda military apologized for that omission.


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