Watchdog Uganda

Watchdog Uganda Latest News in Uganda and the rest of East African Region, Daily news and business from Uganda. Sat, 14 Aug 2021 11:10:37 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Watchdog Uganda 32 32 Youth want to impeach their national leader Jacob Eyeru for being disrespectful, lazy Sat, 14 Aug 2021 11:10:37 +0000 Youth across Uganda have resolved to impeach the National Youth Council (NYC) Chairperson Jacob Eyeru for being incompetent, disrespectful and lazy.

Eyeru was voted into the position in 2020 and his office term is expected to run till 2025.

The youth say eversince Eyeru assumed office last year, he has been incompetent and to have audience with him is as difficult as to grasp a shadow.

They say due to such reasons, they have decided to vote him out and replace him with an appealing leader who will properly represent their interests as youth in Uganda.

The youth reached the decision on Wednesday following their foiled Annual General Meeting at NYC head offices in Ntinda, Kampala.

The disgruntled youth were denied access to their offices by security officers on orders of Eyeru and his colleagues. The commotion also led to the arrest of some youth who were briefly detained at Kampala Central Police Station (CPS). They were accused of inciting violence.

The youth also pin their chairperson along with some members of his administration of meeting President Yoweri Museveni without their knowledge. They say Eyeru and colleagues never bothered to reach out to them to find out what they wanted Museveni to do for them, all they did was to present their personal needs to the President.

Gordan Musinguzi, the Nakaseke Youth chairperson says Eyeru and his administration want to conspire so that they embezzle the funds Mr Museveni gave to them to run the youth affairs across the country.

“After finding out that they want to steal our money, we have decided to impeach Eyeru using the law that governs our leadership as the youth,” Musinguzi said.

Musinguzi also revealed that they are planning to report the matters to President Museveni.

]]> Lumbuye might have been brought into Uganda mafia style, says NUP boss Rubongoya as whereabouts of arrested blogger remain scanty Sat, 14 Aug 2021 09:52:53 +0000 The National Unity Platform (NUP) Secretary General David Lewis Rubongoya has revealed that arrested Turkey based Ugandan blogger Fred Lumbuye might have been brought into Uganda by President Yoweri Museveni’s government using mafia-style.

Responding to the numerous questions and concerns regarding the case of  Lumbuye, Rubongoya said on Saturday that as NUP, they have tried everything to locate Lumbuye but the efforts are still futile.

He disclosed that when they learnt about Lumbuye’s arrest,they set out to contact their diaspora leadership team in Turkey, but unfortunately they did not have a lot of information regarding this case.

“We contacted some of Lumbuye’s close friends to try and establish what information they had on the matter. They connected the team to a lawyer based in Turkey â€" One Mustafa Demir, who they said was responsible for the case. That lawyer did not allow Hon. Zaake (who was traveling to Turkey) or anyone else to see him physically although he spoke to them on phone. He demanded legal fees worth 71,000 USD. We all thought this was a lot of money, and different people tried to negotiate the amount down, but they were unsuccessful,”Rubongoya said.

“Our diaspora leadership team set out to fundraise for the legal fees, while we engaged other processes. Many Ugandans in the diaspora responded to the call and contributed money through the different diaspora chapters (countries).At some point Mr. Okello Oryem, Gen. Museveni’s minister for foreign affairs came out and claimed Lumbuye was being transported to Uganda and that he would arrive last Saturday morning. Several team members, including Hon. Muwadda were at the airport all night, and did not see Lumbuye being brought in that day. We had put the legal teams on alert to immediately take on the case upon his arrival, which didn’t happen. We engaged with the Turkish embassy in Uganda, but they did not disclose any information. Efforts to get information from the Ugandan authorities have also been futile to date.”

The Secretary General also said that in Turkey, efforts were ongoing to try and engage the lawyer over there, but for reasons best known to him, he was hesitant to meet any of their people.

” It was at that point that we took a decision to send part of our legal team to Turkey to establish what exactly was going on. We reasoned that it would be improper, even if the required money was raised, to just hand it over to someone who no body had been allowed to meet physically. Secondly, we wanted at least one of our lawyers to be taken to where Lumbuye is being held for a proper understanding of the situation.

“Therefore Comrade Wameli Anthony and Comrade Muwadda Nkunyinji left Uganda for Turkey. Upon arrival, they attempted to meet the lawyer, but he declined to meet them. Hon. Muwadda visited the law firm which the lawyer ostensibly heads, but he only interacted with his juniors. The following day, they both went back to the lawyer’s chambers and waited all day for the lawyer to see them, but he did not show up. It is important to note that all the earlier statements made by different leaders regarding this case were premised on the assurances given by the lawyer, who was introduced to the team by Lumbuye’s known friends.”

Rubongoya further stated that Wameli and Muwadda have since decided to engage another lawyer in Turkey (Adnan Sahin) who has been useful and with his assistance, the local lawyers have been able to contact different Turkish authorities and visited some detention centres for information.

“Although they have gotten some leads, they haven’t been able to establish with certainity where Lumbuye is.We have assurance from our diaspora leadership team that all the money collected for this case thus far is still intact, and it is still in the hands of the respective diaspora chapters.

“In Uganda, part of the legal team yesterday filed a habeas corpus application seeking to compel the regime to produce Lumbuye before a competent court if he is in their custody. The premise of this application is that the minister owned Lumbuye and claimed he was being returned to Uganda. There has also been unconfirmed information that he was stealthily brought into the country. We also saw a temporary travel document being circulated online but we couldn’t ascertain its authenticity.”

Rubongoya also disclosed that  currently it is difficult to tell with certainity where Fred Lumbuye is at the moment.

” He may still be in Turkey, but he might have been brought into Uganda mafia-style. That is why our efforts have been multi-pronged.As soon as we have new information, it will be shared accordingly,” he concluded.

]]> Ladies-Here are 10 types of men you should never get married to Sat, 14 Aug 2021 08:24:06 +0000 If you are a woman and you want to get married, you need to be smart about your dating. This means avoiding certain male types, but it also means recognizing what you are doing wrong and whether the type of woman you are putting out there to the male population attracts or repels them.

Here are the 10 types of men you shouldn’t marry:

1. The Late Night Texter
You know, the guy who only texts you after midnight. He’s the guy who only contacts you when he wants something or someone to talk to. You can go weeks without hearing from this person, only to rarely get a text full of smiley faces and a message that reads, “Hey! How are you?” They aren’t consistent. Don’t fall into the trap.

2. The Slacker
He’s the guy who has no dreams, vision, or passion to get up and do anything. Don’t let his smooth words trick you into a relationship that will be full of dull moments and half-hearted plans.

3. The Liar
Don’t trust a man who is constantly lying to you. If you continue to ignore his inconsistencies, he could eventually do something detrimental to your relationship.

4. The Flake
This is the guy who calls off dates, constantly changes plans, and never shows up when he promises. If you think this will change once you’re married, you’re wrong. A flaky man will never put his woman first.

5. The Cheat
I’m all for grace and second chances, but the last thing you want is to find yourself in a marriage with someone you can’t even trust. I’m a huge believer that everyone can change, but please don’t get caught up in the lie that cheating is just a normal part of life. You deserve better.

6. The Partier
Stay away from him. Although he may seem fun and outgoing, I guarantee you will be better off with someone who stays away from gatherings full of bad mistakes and regretful decisions. The lifestyle of a partier never fits well with the maturity needed in marriage.

7. The Fake
He’s the guy who claims to be one thing, but in person never steps up to the plate. Not only is this unfair to your relationship, but you need to understand this isn’t going to stop anytime soon. Look for a man who is who he claims to be. Fakes can only pretend for so long.

8. The Hypocrite
He goes back and forth between his beliefs, standards, and regulations on life. Most of the time this man will change things to better suit his personal life. Don’t expect yourself to have a thriving relationship with someone who is constantly hypocritical in their words and actions. Never get married to a hypocrite.

9. The Flirt
This man loves to flirtatiously chat with strangers, waiters, and even your friends. The man you should seek is one who flirts with you and only you, no matter the circumstance. That last thing you want is to be married to someone who will deliberately flirt with people in front of you, let alone behind your back.

10. The Jerk
Simple. Don’t marry a jerk. You deserve more than that this guy can offer you. Look for someone who is kind, generous, selfless, and chivalrous. The last thing you want is to be embarrassed about bringing your man in public, all due to his attitude. Not to mention, verbal abuse is a widely spread problem that I don’t believe any woman should have to encounter.

Faith It

]]> Why all 5 supreme court justices judges agreed to dismiss BoU application against Sudhir, Meera Investments Sat, 14 Aug 2021 08:19:25 +0000 Five Supreme Court Justices have unanimously dismissed an application by Bank of Uganda to amend its appeal in which it challenges a ruling by the high court in favor of former owner of Crane Bank and Meera Investments ltd

If successful, the amendment would have reversed the several losses the Central Bank has suffered at the hands of businessman Dr Sudhir Ruparelia and his company Meera Investments Ltd.

The 5 justices, Rubby Opio-Aweri, Faith Mwondha, Dr Lillian Tibatemwa, Ezekiel Muhanguzi and Percy Night Tuhaise in unison dismissed BoU’s bid to substitute Crane Bank in Receivership with Crane Bank in Liquidation a move the justices said would fundamentally alter the facts the case and deny both Dr. Sudhir and Meera a chance at justice.

This latest application to switch parties emanates from the 20th of October 2016 statutory takeover of Crane Bank Limited under the Financial Institutions Act and subsequently placed it under receivership on 20th January 2017, before selling its assets and liabilities to dfcu Bank on the 25th of January 2017.

Thereafter Bank of Uganda, through Crane Bank in Receivership sued Sudhir Ruparelia, one of the Shareholders of the bank, together with Meera Investments Ltd

Before the main case could be heard, Dr Sudhir and Meera, raised preliminary objections through the High court in which they argued that Crane Bank in Receivership had no basis for suing since the law did not allow a company in receivership any powers to sue or be sued.

The High Court sustained the preliminary objections and dismissed the case Bank of Uganda and ordered it to the costs of the suit to Sudhir Ruparelia.

Dissatisfied with the High Court ruling, Crane Bank Limited in Receivership filed an appeal, but the appellate court maintained that a company under receivership can’t sue or be sued.
Crane   Bank   Limited in receivership then appealed against the decision of the Court of Appeal in the Supreme Court, which is pending resolution.
To stop Dr Sudhir and Meera Investments from enforcing the ruling of the Court of Appeal to regain their company, Crane Bank Limited in Receivership also filed Supreme Court application against Sudhir Ruparelia which was dismissed.

Following this court defeat of the Bank of Uganda on 15th November 2020, BOU issued a public notice in the Sunday Vision newspaper to the effect that it had placed Crane Bank Limited under liquidation and ordered the winding up of its affairs. Dr Sudhir Ruparelia then filed Supreme Court Miscellaneous Application Nos. 39 and 40 of 2020 against Crane Bank Limited in Receivership and BOU seeking interim and temporary injunctions respectively to stop BOU from continuing with the liquidation process. However, the court also dismissed this application on 22nd December 2020.

Following this ruling, Bank of Uganda, this time, through Crane Bank (In Liquidation) went to the Supreme Court asking to switch itself with Crane Bank Limited in receivership as the substantive party in the Supreme Court Appeal a move that the five justices have now dismissed saying it was a move in bad faith and an attempt to circumvent the main issue in the appeal- which is whether a company in receivership can sue or be sued.
The justices also ruled that the very nature of the amendment sought by BoU would fundamentally change and alter the facts of the main appeal.

They also ruled that the Bank of Uganda’s latest application was in bad faith since it was made with the full knowledge that it would impact the main appeal.

]]> 10+ grammatical errors commonly used by Ugandans Sat, 14 Aug 2021 08:14:59 +0000 By Joseph M. Mumbe 

Have you ever been belittled in public especially when it has to do with broken grammar?

There may be laughter among the audience but if they respect you, they will respond non-verbally in disgust by half closing the eyes as if they are taking a photo, otherwise, some can openly correct you.

We were close to 200 professionals when I was embarrassed while responding to a research report presented by the then Principal of Shimon PTC Mr. Higwira. I was corrected in a common grammatical error that many would ignore. To be honest, I did not only forget the last word I had spoken but also the next word I was to speak. I was speechless for a couple of seconds amidst laughter from audience. I then shouted “Thank you Sir, however…….,” in order to partly regain attention of the audience.

Since then, I polished on my grammar. Better is open rebuke than hidden love (Proverbs 27:5). You too, can accept correction and improve. Common mistakes occur:

  • When unfamiliar words are used
  • When prepositions are misplaced
  • When tenses of subsequent verbs are not known
  • When grammatical rules for structures and phrases are not followed. 
  • Enjoy this first set:

  • Wrong: Do not dirten your shirt. Right: Do not dirt your shirt.
  • Why? “dirten” is not a verb in English.

  • Wrong: Make sure you smoothen the tables. Right: Make sure you smooth the tables.
  • Why: Smoothen is outdated, not for use in 21st Century.

  • Wrong: You have a long trouser! Right: You have long trousers!
  • Why? Trousers remain plural and in pairs like scissors or a pair of….

  • Wrong: Mistakes are human. Right: Mistakes are to humans.
  • Why? Mistakes don’t have human features; they are for humans.

  • Wrong: On addition to tomatoes, also buy onions. Right: In addition to tomatoes, also buy onions.
  • Wrong: You and me will face it rough. Right: You and I will face it rough.
  • Wrong: How is you today? Right: How are you today?
  • Why? You is always plural personal pronoun, always used with plural verb.

  • Wrong: The teacher told him to lie down so he laid down. Right: The teacher told him to le down so he lay down.
  • Why? Past form of lie as on horizontally positioning the body; resting, is “lay.”

  • Wrong: One of our teacher is absent. Right: One of our teachers is absent.
  • Why? Expression is from plural, “many teachers but only one of them” so plural helping verb follows e.g., are, were, have etc.

  • Wrong: Please John, borrow me some money. Right: Please John, lend me some money.
  •  Why? the giver is a lender while the taker is the borrower and borrows from…

  • Wrong: Patrick, your funny! Right: Patrick, you’re funny!
  • Why? ‘Your’ is possessive pronoun and not applicable. ‘You’re’ is short form of ‘You are.’

    Dad: Thank you so much. Son: Your welcome. You’re welcome. 

    The author is Theologian and Educator 

    Based at Calvary Chapel Christian School- Entebbe

    ]]> 15 reasons why young men fall in love with older women Sat, 14 Aug 2021 07:50:13 +0000 In today’s modern world, it can be said that age is just a number for younger men. According to an in-depth survey conducted by an online platform, 27% of younger men were found to be attracted to older women.

    The same survey also revealed that 9% of single people were likely to pursue partners who are ten years older or younger than them. Have we left you wondering why would a younger man be attracted to an older woman? Or can a younger man fall for an older woman? To try and understand this statistical trend, we give 15 reasons why older woman younger man relationships work.

    15 reasons younger men fall in love with older women

    Anyone would be drawn to a mature, sensible, patient and intelligent woman, no matter what the age. While a young mind wanders, a matured mind lends stability to a relationship. They are secure in their lives, and can figure the difference between fairy-tale romance and real-life attraction. They are aware of their needs, desires, shortfalls and have a better understanding to what a companion may desire.

    Older women bring a sense of understanding, maturity and patience that are vital for any relationship to thrive. Because of experience and age, they offer a lot to a relationship, and that is why many young men today are attracted to women who are older to them. And the signs are always there an younger man likes an older woman.

    1. Older women are well established and driven
    Young men like to be connected with well established and driven people to become better in their lives. Since they are shaping their future, they have an ambitious mind and hunger to succeed. Older women are mostly well established and driven and have made something out of their lives. Due to these qualities, younger men and older women are able to match their wavelengths and respect each other in their respective career pursuits.

    They understand that both of them need to work hard, and respect the space that divides their professional and personal lives. Misunderstandings regarding financial matters also hardly occur because both in the relationship earn and have an equal say in all matters. This stability is one of the main reasons a younger man likes an older woman.

    2. They are highly experienced
    Since the older women are the ones who have entered the third, fourth or fifth decade of their life, they surely have a lot of experience when it comes to relationships, dating, sex life, etc. There is no denying the fact that dating older women has its own advantages. They are open to having sex, are aware of that a relationship may not translate into a life-long commitment, and yet do not stop themselves to enjoy the moment. Therefore, younger men obviously feel excited and take the relationship with older women as an adventure where they get to know more about women and relationships in general.

    Dating life and relationship with older women is like a learning experience for younger men and they always find it fascinating. Whether it is physical intimacy, or emotional connection, older women come with experiences that younger men can use to their advantage. And this is a positive effect if a younger man likes an older woman.

    3. Older women are honest and open-minded
    Younger men love older women because they are pretty much honest and straightforward in relationships. They do not beat around the bush when they dislike something and thus relationships with older women are always smooth. In addition, older women are open-minded and give enough space to the younger men to explore their youthful nature by accompanying them in their madness and adventures.

    Many young and married men too have affairs with older women.

    4. Older women generally shun technology
    Technologies like smart phones, virtual world created by social media websites, etc. are certain things that have been unable to influence the older women. Instead of being continuously on their phones or using social media posts to express their love, older women know how to communicate face-to-face and even listen to their partners. They are not going to post everything online and are least interested in telling the world who are they with. They bring forth communication that involves words and feelings, not selfies and check-ins of social media.

    They know how to enjoy their life in the simplest possible manner, because of which younger men find them approachable.

    5. Older women do not need continuous pampering
    A majority of younger women, in comparison to older women, need continuous pampering. Men dating them have to either praise them on a regular basis or shower them with gifts and other romantic gestures. While older women do like some pampering, they are not obsessed with gifts and romantic gestures. In short, older women are not high maintenance.

    6. They are extremely independent
    Not only in thoughts but also in action, older women are extremely self-sufficient and independent. They will do their own work and live according to their own principles. Older women know when it is the right time to take a stand and when it is right time to step back. It is because of this independent attitude that older women attract younger men. They do not wait for others to make them happy, as age makes them realise that the power to stay happy is within them only.
    This attitude of being fiercely independent makes younger men instantly attracted to them, since men like women who can be happy by themselves.

    7. Older women know how to take things slow
    Instead of rushing into things like marriage or family life and pressurising younger men to take up more and more responsibilities, older women are more accommodating. They take things slow in the relationship, giving time to their partners to adjust, and this definitely favours men who are still trying to figure out their lives, both professional and personally.

    8. They are in touch with reality
    Women in their prime youth live in a fantasy world, which is a given at that age. They dream of knights in shining armour, and happily-ever-afters. But reality is different â€" people are selfish, there are heartbreaks and disappointments.

    The older women are in constant touch with reality and do not live in some fantasy world. So they are practical and know how to deal with every situation. Younger men can also learn to live life practically with the guidance of older women. Infact, even long distance relationship may work better with an older women.

    9. Older women are highly supportive
    Men who are in a relationship with older women are able to get constant support from their partners. Whenever these younger men face any dilemma or life-changing decision, it is the older women (their partners) who stand by them. They are sensible enough to know how to handle off and difficult situations in life.

    However, women their age may not be as mature and refuse to With the encouragement and support of older women, younger men are able to become better and a more mature people.

    10. They can face relationship breakups maturely
    Older women are well aware of the fact that relationships might have a dead end, especially relationships with younger men. Matured women understand that younger men are likely to fall for other women easily and may breakup because of the stigma associated with such relationships. Even if they face relationship breakups, the older women will act maturely and might even develop a lasting friendship bond with the younger men.

    11. Older women do not have complaints about their body
    Young women of today give a lot of attention to their body weight and type and sometimes get obsessive over their outer appearances. Older women are pretty comfortable with their body type and weight, as they understand that it is the inside of a person that matters. They do not have any complaints about their body and the younger men dating them do not have to hear their constant grumbling.

    In fact, younger men like older women for their curvy yet voluptuous bodies.

    12. Older women are happy-go-lucky
    Since older women are so experienced, well established in their professional life, free from teenage melodrama, they actually know how to live a stress-free and happy life. They are happy-go-lucky and tend to make people around them calm and tension-free as well. Therefore, younger men dating older women tend to have a prosperous relationship.

    13. They are committed and loyal
    Unlike younger women who are open to dating and seeing other men, older women are content with their relationship on hand. Younger women have age by their side and they are open to experiment as well, but older women know the value of relationships and thus are extremely committed and loyal.

    Younger men who have a relationship with older women do not have to worry about issues like infidelity, betrayal, etc.

    14. Older women are super confident
    Confidence is something that is deeply etched in the minds of older women. They do not have to pretend to be confident, but they are naturally confident in both words and actions. Matured women do not get bothered by the beauty of other women around them and do not get involved in useless competition. It is due to this that younger men prefer older women.

    15. They are sexually less inhibited
    Younger men usually find it difficult to get intimate with younger women since they are not so open about sex. But older women, on the other hand, are less inhibited because of their experience in bed and they know how to enjoy sexual encounters. It is in the early days of their lives that older women give up all kinds of inhibitions related to sex. Thus, younger men can get intimate with older women who are accommodative in such matters.

    Gone are the days when younger men preferred women of their same age. The gender roles are changing in our society which is creating equality among both men and women. Younger men are probably realising the fact that dating older women is worth a shot. So if you are a young man looking for a relationship then why not date an older woman? And if you are an older woman then why not give a chance to a younger man pursuing you? We advise you to give it some thought. Best of luck!

    ]]> NRM boss challenges government to focus on disease prevention Sat, 14 Aug 2021 07:31:13 +0000 The NRM Secretary General Richard Todwong has advised government and health workers to focus more on mechanisms that promote disease prevention other than cure since treatment especially of lifestyle diseases like Hypertension and HIV/ AIDs is costly.

    Giving an example of the recent incident where private hospital facilities over charged private individuals during the second wave of covid 19 pandemic. Todwong said had Ugandans adhered to the standard operating procedures put in place by government, the cases would have been avoided.

    “This should also challenge us as politicians to assist government in disseminating appropriate and key messages that are intended to help our people to appreciate the value of staying healthy,” Todwong asked fellow leaders.

    Shortly after the visit in the Uganda Medical Stores warehouse in Entebbe that he applauded for being well equppied and organized, the NRM Secretary General told journalists that the visit was aimed at identifying challenges the government body faces and see how he can help in coming up with solutions.

    Todwong said he was happy to see that the warehouses have all types of medicines, contrary to claims by district health officials of lack of medicine supplies. He however blamed this on lack of coordination between the district health officers and the leadership at the Uganda Medical Stores and urged that there should be a cordial relationship between the two.

    “My visit here at the National Medical Stores will create an entry point for the NRM party into the works done by government agencies in order to find a lasting solution for the cries of our people,” Todwong said.

    He also lashed at some leaders across the political divide whom he said rush to comment about medical issues with no or insufficient knowledge about the subject.

    The General manager National Medical Stores Mr, Moses Kamabare revealed that despite several interventions like tracking technology and labeling of medicine, they still face a challenge of drug theft from government facilities to private health centres.

    He noted that the some of the drugs end up in neighbouring countries especially South Sudan, Burundi, Western Kenya, northern Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

    Hon.Ojara Martins Mapenduzi, the Gulu city MP who had accompanied the Rt, Hon Todwong said the visit has enabled him appreciate challenges faced by the National Medical Stores that he said he is willing to work with government to support policies and frameworks that can streamline service delivery to the people.

    Rt. Hon Todwong was also accompanied by the NRM Director for Information and Public Relations , Hon Emmanuel Lumala Dombo among other senior party leaders.

    ]]> UPDF 5 Infantry Division receives combat skills Sat, 14 Aug 2021 06:59:13 +0000 About 607 soldiers from the Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces 5 Infantry Division have acquired different combat skills at Ruhengere Training Unit.

    As he passed out the newly trained soldiers, the Chief of Staff Land Forces Brig Gen Bob Ogiki on behalf of the Commander Land Force Lt Gen Muhoozi Keinerugaba highlighted the importance of imparting regular up to date skills on every soldier.

    He remarked that this is in line with the UPDF path of developing a professional army. Brig Gen Ogiki emphasized the importance of continuous training in developing a modern army, ready to continously secure the country for social economic transformation to take root.

    He appreciated the UPDF training Chieftaincy for a job well done despite the negativity the Covid-19 pandemic has had on the world. The function was also attended by Local Authorities, UPDF senior and Junior Officers.

    ]]> Uganda Airlines makes successful Demo Flight as Airbus A330 Lands in South Africa Sat, 14 Aug 2021 06:29:53 +0000 Uganda Airlines’ Airbus A330-800 neo had a smooth and safe landing at Johannesburg Oliver Tambo International Airport on Thursday amidst jubilations and ululations.

    As one of the mechanisms in the process of securing an Air Operator Certificate (AOC) for the new and rather special widebody aircraft, on Wednesday Uganda Airlines sent one of its two rare Airbus A330-800neos on a demo flight from Entebbe to Johannesburg, South Africa.

    The seven-month-old aircraft, registered as 5X-NIL, took off from Entebbe International Airport (EBB) with a limited number of passengers at 11:56 local time on Wednesday.

    According to the Airline, they are later planning to operate their new aircrafts to Europe, the Middle East, and Asia- in particular London, Dubai, and Guangzhou. In fact, earlier this year, it secured early morning landing slots at London Heathrow.

    Once the airline gains certification for the jets, it will be a complete game-changer in terms of route planning. The airline, which officially commenced operations in August 2019, has a fleet consisting only  four CRJ-900 regional jets that have 20 lie-flat seats in business class, 28 seats in premium economy, and 210 in the main economy cabin.

    Inside the aircraft, the Ugandan local foods are served as a means to promote the ‘Buy Uganda Build Uganda (BUBU) slogan, strategically meant to position and market Uganda’s potential as the Pearl of Africa.

    ]]> Kabale Municipality Emyooga SACCOs may never recover loans given to members, MP Kamara reveals Sat, 14 Aug 2021 06:20:08 +0000 Beneficiaries of Emyooga funds in Kabale may never recover the loans, according to the Kabale Municipality Member of Parliament, Dr Nicholas Thaddeus Kamara.

    Dr Kamara is currently investigating the implementation of the Emyooga program in his Constituency as directed by the speaker of Parliament.

    After meeting the Kabale Resident District Commissioner-RDC Darius Nandinda, the Kabale District Commercial Officer Mr. Erasmus Natumanya , and Emyooga SACCO leaders, Dr. Kamara found out that implementation of the program was largely affected by low funding for monitoring and sensitization activities, which has caused mismanagement of the government grants extended to some SACCOS .

    Kabale District received Shs 1.6 billion, while Shs 560 million was meant for Kabale Municipality.

    However, all this money did not include facilitation for monitoring activities and the authorities have been using other resources to find a way of sensitizing and supervising the Emyooga program.

    According to Dr Kamara, Some SACCOs have been operating without guidance and there’s a high possibility that the loans given out so far may never be recovered, since guidelines were not followed.

    “For example, Emyooga loans should not be given without security/collateral, but the SACCOS are just giving out loans to members without anything presented as an assurance that the money will be paid back,” Kamara said.

    However, the legislator says there’s hope that a few SACCOS will spring back to life if the Government avails funding for technical guidance and Monitoring, especially through the Microfinance support Centre.

    Members of Parliament have been tasked to investigate the same in their constituencies and report to parliament no later than Tuesday Next week.


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