LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Kudos to Paul on Fauci grilling

Anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that the novel coronavirus was leaked from the Wuhan lab, where they were experimenting to make it more contagious (“Fauci, Paul spar over whether Wuhan virus lab spent U.S. money on gain-of-function research,” Web, July 20). In 2012 Anthony Fauci stated that viral experiments were worth the risk of a pandemic. And in January 2017, before former President Trump took office, Fauci said there was “no doubt” Trump would face a surprise infectious disease. How interesting that Fauci’s crystal-ball prediction was realized. But the icing on the cake is that our tax dollars were funneled into the Wuhan lab via Fauci. If anyone is lying, it is Fauci, who is desperately trying to save his own skin.

But I have no doubt the truth will come out in the end. In the meantime, though, Sen. Rand Paul deserves a standing ovation for his relentless questions to Fauci.


Clearwater, Fla. 

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